Month: January 2021

When people hear of Vermont, they instantly think of maple syrup. In all likelihood, you’re guilty of that too, right? But apart from this liquid gold, the state is also known for its low population, rolling mountains and harsh winters. So it’s clear that Vermont has a way of alluring nature lovers, all thanks to how rich a landscape and culture it boasts of.

Have you ever wondered what it would be like living with the expanse of white sand and sea all around you? Add to this an abundance of the sun’s warmth and a million different recreational activities. If you guessed the state of Florida, you’re right! This beautiful expanse of land is also called the Sunshine […]

When one speaks of Texas, what pops in your head is usually men on horseback, huge ranches and lots of dry arid land. The term “Lone Star State”, is another thing that strikes most of us, whenever anyone mentions Texas. It’s possible that you already know that it’s the nickname of the state of Texas, […]

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live by the Atlantic Coast in one of the most culturally diverse places in the United States? New Jersey has many more attributes that make the idea of living there mesmerizing. Home to the Statue of Liberty and some intense politics, the state is rich […]

You might know of this beautiful state because of the prestigious Harvard University or the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Maybe you have also heard of it being called the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The state of Massachusetts is fondly nicknamed the Bay State or the Old Bay State, because early settlements were first built on Cape […]