Author: Alex Sherr

An emergency move can make your palms sweat and your heart race as you scramble to get everything done. Your company might have indicated your move months back, but the decision is made almost in the nick of time, which leaves you anxious and stressed. Don’t worry; you are not the only one who has […]

When you are packing up your entire existence from your house to move to a new one, there is a lot to consider. While each room will have its own packing arrangements, supplies, and process, you also need to keep in mind that the kitchen has large and small items ranging from your refrigerator to […]

If you’re looking for a state where you can relax on the beach, look at palm-tree views, soak in the sun and swim with the dolphins, Florida might just be the state to move to. It has some exciting cities, a vibrant lifestyle, ample attractions, a diverse community, and plenty of wildlife, along with many […]

Moving to a new city or a state comes with a set of challenges and changes that you’d have to get used to. These include organizing your moving plan and process, adjusting to your new home and life, paying the moving costs, dealing with paperwork, getting your documents changed, etc. If you have school-going kids, […]

Do you want to be light when shifting from your old to the new house? Nearly all of us agree that moving is a welcome time to declutter’. It is an excellent time to look at the loads of things you have and inspire you to get organized before moving to your new place. You’ll […]