­­How to Avoid Getting Sick During a Move

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­­How to Avoid Getting Sick During a Move

Are you concerned about catching a sickness during a move? You’re not alone. Many people become sick during a relocation since it is, by nature, a stressful and demanding process. Unfortunately, the act of moving itself comes with numerous unavoidable interactions and situations that boost your chance of getting ill. Fortunately, there are methods to lower your risk while transporting your belongings.

Before discussing how to avoid getting sick during a move, let’s discuss why moving can make you sick?


Why can moving make you sick?

There are many reasons why moving can make you sick. One is that you are constantly interacting with new people and surroundings. You’re also likely to be exhausted from all the work involved in relocating, and this can take a toll on your immune system. Additionally, changes in routine and diet often occur during a move, which can leave you susceptible to illness.

New Microbes

One of the primary ways you can catch a sickness during a move is by coming into contact with new microbes. When you’re in a new environment, you’re exposed to all sorts of bacteria and viruses that your immune system may not be prepared for. This is especially true if you’re moving to a foreign country.

Inadequate Hygiene

Another common way to get sick during a move is by not washing your hands regularly. This can lead to you getting sick from bacteria or viruses you come into contact with. Not showering and using proper hygiene practices can also lead to fungal infections and skin irritations.

Lack of Sleep

Believe it or not, one of the main reasons people get sick during a move is due to a lack of sleep. When you’re exhausted, your immune system is weakened, and you’re more susceptible to getting sick. This can be especially true if you’re traveling long distances.


When you move things from your attic and lesser-used rooms of your property, dust and other allergens are stirred up. These irritants may already be present in your home but were kept dormant until the stress and commotion of the relocation. Allergies are considered to be a common cause of eye and nasal irritation. This irritation causes sinusitis to thrive. As a result, people frequently mistake basic sinus discomfort or asthma for the typical cold.


Many people overlook a basic hand wash while rushing to pack and box-up goods because they are in a hurry. You might get a cut on your hands and fingers because of rough edges when you move cardboard. Even if it’s a minor slice, it might leave a potential infection hole. But by simply washing your hands, you can prevent this issue.

Sick Building Syndromes

Believe it or not, some people actually get sick from their new homes. This is often because new microbes are present in the air and on surfaces that have never been exposed to before. These microbes may cause sick building syndromes, which is a condition characterized by symptoms such as headache, eye irritation, and nausea. People often mistake these symptoms for a simple cold or the flu.

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Finally, one of the biggest reasons people get sick during a move is stressful. Stress can negatively impact your immune system and make you more susceptible to getting sick.


How to avoid getting sick when moving?

Now that you know some of the ways you can get sick during a move, let’s discuss some tips on avoiding them.

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Wash your hands regularly

This is one of the simplest and most effective ways to avoid getting sick during a move. Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or employ hand sanitizer with at least 60 percent alcohol before and after touching your eyes, nose, or mouth; touching your mask; entering and leaving a public place; and handling a high-touch surface, such as doorknobs, gas pumps, shopping carts, etc. We recommend carrying a small bottle of hand sanitizer with you at all times.

Stay hydrated

Drinking plenty of water will help keep your immune system strong and can help ward off sickness. Dehydration can also make you more susceptible to getting sick and can worsen the symptoms of an illness. Hence, make sure to drink plenty of fluids, especially water, when moving. And avoid caffeine and alcohol, as they can dehydrate you.

Get enough sleep

Another way to keep your immune system strong is by getting adequate sleep. When you’re tired, your body is less able to fight off sicknesses and infections. A lack of sleep can weaken your immune system and make you more susceptible to getting sick. Make sure to get a good night’s sleep before and during your move and avoid overexerting yourself. Try to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night during your move.

Take breaks

When you’re in the middle of a move, it can be easy to get overwhelmed and exhausted. This is why it’s important to take breaks often and get some fresh air. Leaving the moving process for a few minutes to take a walk or just relax can help rejuvenate you and help keep you healthy and stress-free.

Avoid touching your face

Another way to reduce your risk of getting sick is to avoid touching your face. When someone who is sick coughs or sneezes near you, and you touch your face afterward, the likelihood of catching their sickness is quite high. Touching your eyes, nose, and mouth can introduce germs into your body and make you more susceptible to infection. Make a conscious effort to keep your hands away from your face and wash them regularly. And avoid touching your face when you’re tired or stressed, as this can make you more susceptible to getting sick.

Keep your environment clean

It’s also essential to keep your environment clean and free of germs during a move. This means cleaning doorknobs, countertops, and steering wheels, often with disinfectant wipes. It’s also a good idea to keep your personal belongings, such as cell phones and laptops, clean by regularly wiping them down with a disinfectant wipe.

Ask your movers to wear shoe covers

Unfortunately, the bottoms of shoes are home to various germs that may cause illnesses and infections. If you don’t want the movers’ feet to carry germs into your house, you could suggest they put on shoe covers while inside. These disposable shoe covers are simple to put on and take off. They’re usually available at most moving supply stores.

Sanitize your rental truck

To avoid getting sick during a move, you should sanitize your rental truck before and after using it. This can be quickly done with a disinfectant spray. Simply spray down the inside of the truck and let it dry before you start moving your belongings in. And don’t forget to do the same thing when you’re finished moving, to ensure that no germs are left behind. Many moving companies sanitize their trucks before and after any move, but if you’d like to take some additional measures, we recommend cleaning and wiping down surfaces yourself when you collect the truck. Sanitizing your rental car before driving might help provide you peace of mind and prevent you from catching a disease during your relocation.

Open the window

When moving, the presence of other people around you, such as movers, increases the chances of getting sick. One way to reduce contact is to open the window in your home. If you have movers in your house on moving day, we recommend opening as many windows and doors as possible to bring in the fresh air and expel viruses. On moving days, it’s a good strategy to turn on exhaust fans in the kitchen and bathroom to keep the air moving out of the home. Fresh air will circulate and minimize the amount of time you are in close contact with other people.

Wear a face mask

If you feel like you are coming down with something, it’s a good idea to wear a face mask to help prevent the spread of illness. If you are taking public transportation during your relocation, the requirement of a face mask should go a long way in keeping you healthy while traveling. If you want to take it a step further, consider wearing a mask (while maintaining a distance of at least six feet) when around movers. Face masks are available at most drugstores and can be a lifesaver if you feel sick and don’t want to contaminate others. We recommend checking into the company’s present policies before hiring them if you think of taking this precaution.

Keep your immune system strong

Finally, one of the best ways to avoid getting sick during a move is to keep your immune system strong. You can do numerous things to boost your immune system, such as eating a nutritious diet, getting enough exercise, getting enough sleep, and taking your vitamins. Getting Zinc and Vitamin C supplements, which will help strengthen your immune system, is also a good idea. Furthermore, moving is tiring; make certain to get lots of rest in the days leading up to and following your relocation. With a bit of preparation and common sense, you can easily avoid getting sick during your move.



Moving is a busy and often stressful time. By following the tips we’ve outlined in this article, you can minimize your chances of getting sick during your relocation. Stay healthy by opening windows and doors to allow fresh air to circulate, wearing a face mask if you feel ill, eating well, and getting enough rest. And don’t forget to keep your personal belongings clean and sanitized. With some preparation, you can easily avoid getting sick during your move.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it normal to get sick when moving?

It’s not unusual to become ill when relocating, but there’s a lot of chance of it happening since you’re around many people and in regular contact with them. Your environment will differ when you move; this is unavoidable. You’ll be exposed to new places, people, and germs; this is frequently a significant cause of sickness during a relocation.

How can I stop feeling sick all the time?

You will feel better if you exercise daily. It aids in the strengthening of your immune system. Get plenty of rest and drink fluids; this will help your body flush out any toxins. Eat healthy foods and avoid eating junk food. Finally, take your vitamins as prescribed.

Why am I always sick with a cold?

When the immune system is not working correctly, it’s possible to become sick frequently. This is due to a lack of ability to combat germs effectively. An infection might take longer than usual to heal if one occurs. There are numerous reasons why the immune system might not function as it should. These can include stress, genetics, an unhealthy lifestyle, and a lack of sleep.

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Written by

Alex Sherr is the founder of My Long Distance Movers, a blog that provides moving information and resources for people who are relocating. He has more than two decades of experience in the moving and relocation industry, and he is passionate about helping people relocate smoothly and efficiently. When he's not writing or blogging, Alex enjoys spending time with his wife and two young children.